Here we will keep you informed of the latest local, national and international cancer related news, as well as letting you know about local fundraising efforts and telling you what your donations are used for.
Also, every now and then patients contact us with their experiences, some are good, some are bad. These are published in our Personal Accounts category. While we would like to only publish the good accounts, we feel that for the sake of honesty we need to publish the bad as well. We don't want to scaremonger, but it's important when undergoing treatment, tests, etc. that you are fully aware of what could happen, we can all draw on and learn from the experiences and advice of others. If you would like to share your experience, suggestions or advice please send them to:[email protected].
And remember not everyone has the same experience, nor do they react the same way. And whatever comments are made are from the individual involved, we do not endorse these, we just publish them in case they can help someone else in the future.