A living will, known in Mallorca as Voluntades Anticipadas, is a legally binding document that allows you to leave instructions for how you would like to be treated if you are no longer able to speak for yourself. It also includes basic instructions on what you would like to happen if you die.
Having such a document can really save your loved ones a lot of pain, as they will know exactly what you want, and not have to make these tough decisions for you if the need arises.
As we shared with you some weeks ago, Spain has now approved euthanasia, but if you are not considered to have your full mental capacity at the time of the request, you will have had to have included this in your living will.
You can register your living will in Mallorca by calling 900701130 and making an appointment with the Registro de Voluntades Anticipadas in Carrer Calçat 2A, Palma (for other islands see here). If you don't speak Spanish you will need a translator.
If you have any questions or need help, contact us on [email protected]