Download our PRO-test leaflet

While everyone knows what the Pink ribbon symbolises, very few know about the Blue Ribbon which represents male Testicular and Prostate Cancer.

Hence the beginning of the Pro-TEST campaign. 

By means of leaflet drops, talks, presentations, sports events etc. we aim to raise awareness of these male cancers, reminding men of the need to check themselves and visit the doctor immediately if any anomalies are detected.

So far we have been present at many events, large and small, and given slideshow presentations to various groups and schools.  We did a massive leaflet drop at an RCD Mallorca match in November 2015.  In November 2016, we handed out leaflets at an event put on by the hairdresser and barber association outside C&A.

You can download our Pro-TEST leaflet here. If you would like to have these on display at your business please contact us.

If you are part of a gym, club, group of men or a college and would like us to give our brief presentation please let us know.

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